Entries in pet photography (3)



Today marks 1 year from when I took over writing the Neal Urban Blog! It has been so great reliving the weddings and shoots that we have had. I am very proud that I had a post ready for every day as well. (well almost haha. I know I missed a few due to technical issues).

This was not an easy task. When Neal asked me if I would like to take over, I was really excited. He didn't mention the late nights I would be up blogging due to our crazy schedule. There were many 1:00am nights I was laying in bed after a wedding and thinking, I forgot to type a new blog for tomorrow. I would get up and head to the computer. Good thing Neal is usually up. He always had an image in mind! It really was a team effort! It was definitely worth it though! We know it brought so many smiles to our clients and readers!

I hope all of our readers enjoyed hearing the back story of how we created some of our photos. I also hoped you enjoyed seeing some images that might not have been on the website. I loved being able to go through and select some silly or goofy photos. I wanted to show that Neal and I really do have so much fun with our clients. I know most followers know Neal for his artistic style edits. So, this is a great way to showcase some of the more simple and fun photos that do happen on all of our shoots.

I hope you will all continue to visit Neal Urban Blog. We have an awesome line up of weddings this year and I can't wait to chat about them! Cheers!


Neal Urban Studio

Neal Urban Blog



Sorry we are a few days late, but we still wanted to recognize National Dog Day! We are celebrating with Marcus!

I just can't get enough of this dog. His face is too cute for words. When he came to Neal Urban Studio, he was such a sweet dog. We didn't want to let him leave. Getting him up on this ottoman was not that easy. As you can see, he is a little bigger than it. We actually wanted him to sit, which he did and we got some great images. Then I think he was done taking photos and he just decided to lay down! We loved it! And we love him even more.

We follow Marcus on Facebook and he's growing so much, it's time to get Marcus back in the studio to update his modeling portfolio!


Buffalo Pet Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buttfalo Pet Photo Location: Neal Urban Studio


Engagement with Boomer the dog!

We love when couples bring their dogs on engagement shoots. Dogs can be so unpredictable. It is always so much fun to see what they will do!

The photo shoot was at Knox Farm in East Aurora. The couple mentioned they would like to have their dog in some photos. We all met in the parking lot and when the dog got out of the car, we couldn’t believe our eyes. He was huge! We knew this was going to be fun! We always like to get acquainted with pets before we start shooting. What a lovable dog this was too. We just wanted to play with him.

The dog was actually pretty calm to work with. In this image, the dog was taking a break by a bench and we asked if he would be able to get up onto in. They said no problem. The dog was so big I didn’t think he would fit on the bench, but he got up there no problem. I was trying to get the attention of the dog while Neal was shooting. He just wanted to play and lick his owners’ faces. Once he heard the clicking of the camera, he looked our way. He was zoned in. He looked so happy with his tongue hanging out. Perfect! Just a nice simple family portrait.

When photographing dogs (or any animal with people), you have to see what they are going to do first. Then you place the couple in with the dog. It’s always good to have the pet owners have another person accompany them on their shoot to take the dog away when we are finished with them. Or, if the dog looks like they need a break. If you can remember, find out what kind of treats they like as well. Treats and squeaky toys work wonders!


Neal Urban Studio