Entries in family portrait photography (13)



It is Friday and it is gorgeous out! Hope everyone can get outside for a little bit and enjoy this weather! 

On Wednesday we had an amazing family come into Neal Urban Studio for a family session. Besides that, they wanted some "model" style photos for their 6 month old baby girl Nora. They are hoping to get her into some baby modeling.

Well baby Nora has it all. Look at this gorgeous little doll! What a cutie. She was all smiles the entire time. We planned on 2 outfit changes, but she was so good, that we ended up doing 4! Wait until you see the wardrobe station! (I will post next week)

Definitely more to come from this photo session! And I would say Nora is 100% model material!


Buffalo Family/Baby Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Family/Baby Photo Location: Neal Urban Studio



During the week, we had such a fun shoot with this lovely family! We did their photos at Fort Niagara State Park.

We had amazing weather. The heat and humidity died down and there was a great breeze. Thank goodness! We all met in one area and jumped around to different areas of the Park. We had some rustic style areas, as well as giant trees that line almost every inch of the Park. Then we headed down to the beach for some sunset photos. 

This was one of my favorite images. After clearing away some spider webs, we had the family have a seat, helped with some posing and we made the family laugh to get some real smiles. Everyone was very photogenic, they made our jobs very easy. Enjoy!


Buffalo Family Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Family Photo Location: Fort Niagara State Park



A few weeks ago, we had a fun family session in downtown Buffalo. I loved that they wanted to do something different besides a park style. We all met on Main St. in front of Shea's. We worked around that area and then walked down to Hotel at the Lafayette.

I didn't realize how many new businesses opened up around that area. So many new restaurants and shops. We decided to stop at a few spots for some quick photos.

This was in front of a cool French Bistro called Raclettes. Now, I have never been to Paris, but it sure looked like the cute little places they show on the travel channel! 

I think this is such a fun family photo. It is so much different than our normal family style shoot! Neal and I are always looking for something different and we definately got it here!


Buffalo Family Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Family Photo Location: Theatre District, Downtown Buffalo, Hotel at the Lafayette



A few months ago, we showed you a few images from Christina and Josh's maternity session at Neal Urban Studio! Well, I am showing another, because today, we have the pleasure of shooting their twin girls newborn session!

Can you believe that Christina was having twins? I sure couldn't when she walked into our Studio. She had the tiniest belly. For this, we had Christina have a seat and Josh sneak in right behind. All hands on the belly!

We are so happy we could be a part of capturing these lovely moments for this family!


Buffalo Maternity Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Maternity Photo Location: Neal Urban Studio






Happy Easter to everyone! We hope you all get to spend some time with family and friends! I know we are looking forward to it!

Today I selected a photo that just makes me feel like happy weather is on it's way. These two little ones were so much fun to photograph. We did this family shoot about two years ago at a private residence. I love the colors in this image. They are so bright and airy. 

When you have little ones to photograph, it can be very unpredictable. Since we were outside, the kids could run around and have fun. We let them do their thing and we were there to document. 

This little bro and sis decided to take a stroll and and check out what was down the road. As you can see they do love their accessories. We just love the hat! And no lady would be complete without her sunglasses in hand!

Happy Easter!


Buffalo Family Photography: Neal Urban Studio





Today marks 1 year from when I took over writing the Neal Urban Blog! It has been so great reliving the weddings and shoots that we have had. I am very proud that I had a post ready for every day as well. (well almost haha. I know I missed a few due to technical issues).

This was not an easy task. When Neal asked me if I would like to take over, I was really excited. He didn't mention the late nights I would be up blogging due to our crazy schedule. There were many 1:00am nights I was laying in bed after a wedding and thinking, I forgot to type a new blog for tomorrow. I would get up and head to the computer. Good thing Neal is usually up. He always had an image in mind! It really was a team effort! It was definitely worth it though! We know it brought so many smiles to our clients and readers!

I hope all of our readers enjoyed hearing the back story of how we created some of our photos. I also hoped you enjoyed seeing some images that might not have been on the website. I loved being able to go through and select some silly or goofy photos. I wanted to show that Neal and I really do have so much fun with our clients. I know most followers know Neal for his artistic style edits. So, this is a great way to showcase some of the more simple and fun photos that do happen on all of our shoots.

I hope you will all continue to visit Neal Urban Blog. We have an awesome line up of weddings this year and I can't wait to chat about them! Cheers!


Neal Urban Studio

Neal Urban Blog



Look at how cute this image is! Daddy and his little guy.

We had so much fun with this family shoot. They are a family of 4, but we snuck in some solos with daddy and his son (don't worry, mommy got her solos too). They look so great in their matching style plaid shirts. The interaction between them is so fun. I like how the little boy is holding onto daddy and lifting his feet off the stool. He looks like he is holding on for dear life, but with a giant smile!


Buffalo Family Portrait Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Family Portrait Photo Location: Neal Urban Studio



We recently did a family portrait session in Neal Urban Studio!

The family just welcomed a baby girl, so we wanted to have her and her big brother in a photo together. And so close to Christmas, why not have them in their Christmas pj's! 

We thought it would be really cute to lay them down head to head. I love how big bro is smiling at his baby sister and their hands are almost in the same position. You can see her eyes are open and looking right back. I love it! 


Buffalo Family, Kids, Photography: Neal Urban Studio



We had a beautiful family photo session at Glen Park a few weeks ago.

Here is an image of mommy and son! Isn't he such a cutie! And mom is just beautiful! They have an adorable little girl as well. An image of her and her baby brother were posted a few days ago too!

After rescheduling their first session due to awful weather, they had an amazing day for this. The leaves were so colorful. The sun was shining through and casting a really pretty glow too! Love this!


Buffalo Family Portrait Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Family Portrait Photo Location: Glen Falls Park



We recently did a family portrait session at Glen Falls. It was the perfect fall day. The temperature felt like spring!

Aren't these two just adorable? She loved being the big sister, she wanted to hold her baby brother! At least she made a good attempt at it! haha! We had mommy and daddy being silly behind us while taking the photos. We got a great laugh and smile. I thought this was really funny but also very cute that I just had to share.

It is not super easy getting kids to look at the camera, let alone two. But some of the best images can be those moments in between!


Buffalo Family Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Family Photo Location: Glen Falls Park