Entries in kids photography (8)



Matthew is back and messy with his first birthday cake smash in Neal Urban Studio!

After doing our teacher/school style set up, we switched up some things to bring in a cake. Matthew had a Mickey Mouse birthday party, so he was dressed in his little outfit and hat. Isn't he just the cutest little guy you have ever seen in that outfit.

Matthew continued to be such a happy camper for this part as well. He went to town and dug right into his cake all by himself. We all started to play peek-a-boo with him behind the camera. Picture 4 adults, all hiding behind one another and popping out saying peek-a-boo in extremely high voices. This is what happened! Matthew decided to play right along with us. I love how his hands are covered in cake too! This is one of my favorite cake smash photos!


Buffalo First Birthday Cake Smash Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo First Birthday Cake Smash Photo Location: Neal Urban Studio



Matthew came to celebrate his first birthday with Neal Urban Studio for a photo shoot!

We love having this family at the studio. We took Matthews parents', Katie and Chad's engagement and wedding photos as well. Then newborn! We are full circle! Katie and Chad are both teachers, so we wanted to incorporate that somehow into the photos. I think we did a great job!

Matthew was such a happy little guy. He was smiling and laughing the entire time! We all sang some Patty Cake, and said a lot of "You are so big!" And that was the keeper! Right when Katie asked Matthew how big he was, his hands went right up in the air. And he still held onto his blocks!

Wait until we bring in the cake!


Buffalo First Birthday Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo First Birthday Photo Location: Neal Urban Studio




Batman and Spiderman showed up for a photo shoot! I absolutely love these little guys! They are so damn cute! 

We did their photos at a small skate park at Green Lake Park. They brought their bikes, and their dog Tank! Don't you just love Tank too?! He's such a beautiful dog.

It was a cold and super windy day. We were working so fast to get these guys back in the warm car. Mom came to the rescue to get Tank to stay in place. As you can see, they are all looking out the same way. Mom was holding a nice warm blanket and snacks! I love this!


Buffalo Kids Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Kids and Dogs Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Kids Photo Location: Green Lake Park



We recently did a family portrait session in Neal Urban Studio!

The family just welcomed a baby girl, so we wanted to have her and her big brother in a photo together. And so close to Christmas, why not have them in their Christmas pj's! 

We thought it would be really cute to lay them down head to head. I love how big bro is smiling at his baby sister and their hands are almost in the same position. You can see her eyes are open and looking right back. I love it! 


Buffalo Family, Kids, Photography: Neal Urban Studio



Olivia is one! 

We had back to back cake smashes recently at Neal Urban Studio. The second was just as great as the first! Olivia was wonderful. She was such a happy baby. All we needed to do was sing some Mickey Mouse songs and she was all smiles. When they arrived we already had the set up ready. I had no idea what color mom was planning on for Olivia's tutu! I matched my colors to how I wanted them to look. Well, we hit it right on the nose. Olivia came in with the same scheme. It was perfect!

Olivia was not so sure about the cake at first. With a little help from mom, she dug right in. In the end, she had more cake on her feet than on her hands. She was covered. This was an image before the entire destruction. She just looks too cute for words!


Buffalo Children's Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Children's Photo Session: Neal Urban Studio



Jenna is 1!!!

This was such a fun cake smash session in Neal Urban Studio! Jenna was so cute and full of smiles. She was a little unsure at first about the cake. Once she had a little taste, it was all over. She dug right in! She was smiling and giggling the whole time. Jenna was clapping her hands and waving them all around. Cake was flying everywhere. It was awesome! And just look at those baby blues! What a doll!


Buffalo Children's Portraits: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Children's Portrait Photo Location: Neal Urban Studio



They say that as you grow older, you will be able count your true friends on one hand. But the bond you share with your siblings, will be there forever. It sure seems that way for these little ones!

Family portrait time! These little ones are both under the age of five, with the boy being the older of the two. This shoot took place at a private residence in the Lewiston area. There is vineyard and cornfields on the property, as well as a large pond. The owners are nice enough to let locals occasionally fish at the pond. This little guy loves to fish with daddy and throw rocks into the water, while his sister is a little diva like her mom.

The shoot started out with some running around and playing in the vineyard. I mean, that seems pretty fun to me! (quite tiring as well)! We got some great family portraits and the kids were having a fun time playing in the flowers. But now it was time to get a little more artistic. The boy wanted to go down by the pond to throw rocks and watch some people fish. We figured, let's go and see what happens. He sat down, while we all gathered rocks for him to throw. His sister saw he was having a blast and wanted to join in. She had a seat right next to him.

Before you know it, the sun was setting over the pond. This was the perfect time to get creative. All we needed was for the little boy to put his arm around his sister. Easy right? Wrong! She kept pushing him away. Normal brother/sister fun. After a few minutes she finally gave in and let him put his arm around her for about 5 seconds. That was enough for Neal to get the shot. The great part about it, was the little guy threw a rock in the water right as he rested his arm on his sister. A perfect ripple in the water! 

They may not realize it yet, but they will learn to always be there for each other. As they grow, they will fight with each other, make new friends, and possibly go off to college in different places. But, they will always remain brother and sister and remember they were friends first before anyone else came along! Neal and I were so happy to capture this photo for them to remember.



It’s time to get messy and have some fun! First Birthday cake smash photo shoots are just the ticket! There are definitely no forks or napkins for this cake. The messier the better!

This image was taken by one of our photographers, Shane. It is also his beautiful daughter. She was celebrating her first birthday, so it was only natural to bring her into the studio. She even got all dressed up in her tutu and pearls for the occasion. We sat her down and put the cake in front of her. (The beautiful cake was made by Andrea Amodeo from Blackbird Sweets in Buffalo).  At first she just stared at it. She wasn’t sure what to do. Shane gave her a little taste of frosting and that was it. She dove right in. It got to the point where she had so much frosting on her hands, she couldn’t move her little fingers. She was having so much fun, while daddy was clicking away with the camera. Every image was a keeper. 

Neal and I were helping behind the scenes. We got to jump around and be silly to make the baby laugh. What a great collaborative effort by all and a beautiful image by Shane!


Buffalo Baby Cake Smash Photography by Neal Urban Studio