Here is Chase for his first birthday pictures at Neal Urban Studio!
I do not know what it is about this image, but Neal and I both picked it for the Blog. I didn't tell him this was the one I wanted either I think it is so cute! Oh... and look at those red legs! Yes, red frosting will stain your skin for a few days! But, having a Mickey Mouse theme for his birthday, it had to be red!
Chase was a lot of fun to have in the studio. He was on the move the whole time. He did not want to sit still. Until the cake came in! (I wouldn't move either) This is the fun and challenging part of these shoots. This is why I like having 2 of us. One is ready to shoot, while the other is running around and acting silly to get the little ones attention! We didn't have Chase's full attention here, but it was still too cute!
Buffalo First Birthday Photography: Neal Urban Studio
Buffalo First Birthday Photo Location: Neal Urban Studio