We are back with baby Niall and his first birthday cake smash in Neal Urban Studio!
So, as you can see, Niall didn't need to use his hands to dig into the cake! This literally happened about 10 seconds into the shoot! We have never seen a baby do this in our cake smashes yet! Niall decided he was going to dive face first and have a bite. No Hands!! We were honestly laughing so hard when this happened. And this wasn't the last time he did this, he continued to do this the entire shoot! This little guy was happy the entire time. We definitely got spoiled with this shoot! Sooooo CUTE!
A little background on the shoot. Niall had a camping style first birthday! Don't we love his little red plaid pants? Mom and Dad brought in this little tent. We had some old school Coleman style camping equipment. Then of course we had to add in some Solo Cups and a 6 pack! Well a 4 pack of Root Beer! I know you can't see everything in this image, but you sure can in yesterdays image. Don't forget the "Camp Niall" sign and "Beware of Bears" sign!
Buffalo First Birthday Cake Smash Photography: Neal Urban Studio
Buffalo First Birthday Cake Smash Photo Location: Neal Urban Studio