Entries in dog photographer (3)



We needed to sneak in one photo of Marcus!

He came in for a personal project and he was so much fun! He is so much bigger than last time. But he is still a little puppy at heart. All he wanted to do was play with a chew toy and destroy the squeaky inside. Neal asked if I could take a photo of him and Marcus. My pleasure. I have no idea why I didn't get in a photo as well. Next time!

We love this little guy and his owners. They are amazing people and we are so thankful to them for bringing Marcus into Neal Urban Studio again!


Buffalo Pet Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Pet Photography Photo Location: Neal Urban Studio



Sorry we are a few days late, but we still wanted to recognize National Dog Day! We are celebrating with Marcus!

I just can't get enough of this dog. His face is too cute for words. When he came to Neal Urban Studio, he was such a sweet dog. We didn't want to let him leave. Getting him up on this ottoman was not that easy. As you can see, he is a little bigger than it. We actually wanted him to sit, which he did and we got some great images. Then I think he was done taking photos and he just decided to lay down! We loved it! And we love him even more.

We follow Marcus on Facebook and he's growing so much, it's time to get Marcus back in the studio to update his modeling portfolio!


Buffalo Pet Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buttfalo Pet Photo Location: Neal Urban Studio


MARCUS!! The Chinese Shar- Pei puppy!

If you follow us on facebook then you'll recognize this cute snuggly face. Are you tired of Marcus the pup yet? I hope not because I sure am not. We felt it only appropriate to end off the week with one last image. 

I mean, look at that face. So smooshy, you can't help but love this little guy. Neal and I saw Marcus, the Chinese Shar- Pei,  on Facebook and knew right away we needed to take photos of him. We contacted the owners and told them we would love to take photos of Marcus. They loved our ideas, so we scheduled them in! We also had Leah, (one of our photographers, who was introduced to you not long ago) assist on the shoot. She is such a dog lover as well! We even told her to bring her husband along for the fun and to get attention of Marcus in case Leah was on lighting detail.  When Marcus came through Neal Urban Studio doors, we were instantly in love! I pretty much smothered him. A quick hello to the parents (owners) and then back to the dog haha. We were expecting the typical puppy play. Running around and biting at things. But not from Marcus. He was so cool and calm. Awesome! It was time to get to work because we knew we had a model on our hands.

A bunch of toys and treats came out! Sometimes there is a bit of bribing to get a dog where you need him to stay. There were a lot of squeaky toys in action from Leah, her hubby, and myself. We got him up on the furniture and Neal started clicking away.

Most of you have seen the other pictures of him on Facebook this week. If not, you are missing out. We did a family portrait and then solos with mom and dad. Then of course Marcus on his own. So, today he is taking the spotlight all by himself. We had a vintage style theme for our ideas, so we kept that going for a lot of the images. What better than a pink velvet looking hassock with wallpaper in the backgroud. Now, the trick was to keep Marcus on it. Lots of treats! He listened so good too! His owners told him to stay and he pretty much did. All Marcus needed to do was sit there and look cute. No matter which way he turned, he was adorable. Every shot was a keeper. We didn't want the photo shoot to end. But Marcus was starting to get tuckered out. We said our goodbyes. About 10 minutes later, we got a message saying Marcus was completely passed out and snoring. It was a big day for him!

We hope that you all enjoyed our little series of Marcus and his family! We hope he brought smiles to your faces like he did to ours! 


Neal Urban Studio