Entries in family portraits (19)



Let's go back to Knox Farm for this amazing family shoot!

I love the composition of this image. Even though the family is small in the corner, it still looks pretty cool. Dad was raising up his little girl, while mom was behind him. The baby was having a great time too. She was laughing the whole time.

Neal decided to go far away for this and do a panoramic. I think it works out really nicely too. The colors in the sky were so great as well.

Does anyone else get a "Lion King" feel? I did!


Buffalo Family Portrait Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Family Portrait Photo Location: Knox Farm State Park



Delaware Park is the place to be for famiy portraits this season! There is so much to work with there.

Here is another session we did this past week. All I can say is "adorable!" Are we loving her outfit? I was in heaven with that fur vest and boots. There were even pink zippers on the backs of her boots! But to top it off, she had amazing blue eyes and a gorgeous smile.

In this image, we asked her to give hugs. She began to hug herself and this was her expression. She is just too cute for words and a beautiful little model!


Buffalo Family Portrait Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Family Portrait Location Session: Delaware Park



We had the pleasure of taking family portraits for this great family.

We had their session at Delaware Park. It sure was a windy day too, with a light rain on and off. But they toughed it out. We started around the Rose Garden area. The kids were great too! We got some great smiles from everyone. Even from the baby! She was a doll! 

We got some beautiful images from this shoot. It was so much fun! We even ended up the playground to finish up!


Buffalo Family Portrait Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Family Portrait Photo Location: Delaware Park



We had such a great family shoot Monday night with baby Emma and family! Isn't she a doll?!


The photo shoot was at Beaver Island State Park. Her parents actually had their wedding at the club house. What a great idea! Return to the scene of the crime haha. Just kidding! It is a beautiful location for photos. Emma was running around and having a great time when we arrived. We got some amazing images of her. But when it came time to bring the family in, she wanted no part. She wanted to run around, dance, smell flowers, look at the birds and airplanes. It was too cute. It is pretty normal for that to happen.

I love this shot. Before the flower was put in her hand, she had a tupper ware of snacks. I know I am happiest when I am eating! So, mom took them away last minute and said they were all gone. She quickly replaced it with a giant yellow flower. This was Emma's reaction. It was adorable!

Happy Saturday everyone!


Buffalo Baby Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo baby Photo Location: Beaver Island State Park



This past weekend we did photos for Carla and her amazing family for a reunion. They had family come in from all different areas. Some they hadn't seen in years.

They had a picnic at Krull County Park in Olcott, NY. We arrived and everyone welcomed us with open arms. We felt like family. We got some great candids, especially of the kids playing. We also did individual family portraits with each family. Even with their dogs! Then it was time for the big family photo! It worked out great! All of the kids and babies looked right at the camera on the first take! Then it was off to eat Popsicles and play at the splash pad. My kind of day!

Here's the link to all of the images so that you can order beautiful prints from! 

Most of you know that we do mainly weddings. But, we do almost all kinds of events if we are available. So, do not hesitate to contact us for your special event or if you just want a photo shoot!


Buffalo Family Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Reunion Location: Krull County Park Olcott, NY



We had the pleasure to take photos of this lovely family. (Josh, Christina, Luka, and Caleb! Don't they all look adorable!

They had a nautical theme for their outfits. I think they did a great job! We chose to shoot their family session in the Village of Youngstown. Youngstown is known for the sail boats and the yacht club. It is a quiet little village, with just a few shops and restaurants. There were a bunch of American flags outside. It was perfect for their outfits! We had them casually take a stroll down the road and look into the shops. We told Josh and Christina to look at each other while they were walking. At that moment, both kids looked our way! How cute! 

We started the shoot at Fort Niagara State Park, by Lake Ontario. It was tough to get both boys to look at the camera at the same time. (the same as with most little kids). They wanted to run around and play. No harm there! There were plenty of birds to chase after. Those images are coming soon!

I think this family has their Fourth of July picnic outfits ready! I love it!


Buffalo Family Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Youngstown, NY Family Photo Location: Fort Niagara State Park, Village of Youngstown, NY




They say that as you grow older, you will be able count your true friends on one hand. But the bond you share with your siblings, will be there forever. It sure seems that way for these little ones!

Family portrait time! These little ones are both under the age of five, with the boy being the older of the two. This shoot took place at a private residence in the Lewiston area. There is vineyard and cornfields on the property, as well as a large pond. The owners are nice enough to let locals occasionally fish at the pond. This little guy loves to fish with daddy and throw rocks into the water, while his sister is a little diva like her mom.

The shoot started out with some running around and playing in the vineyard. I mean, that seems pretty fun to me! (quite tiring as well)! We got some great family portraits and the kids were having a fun time playing in the flowers. But now it was time to get a little more artistic. The boy wanted to go down by the pond to throw rocks and watch some people fish. We figured, let's go and see what happens. He sat down, while we all gathered rocks for him to throw. His sister saw he was having a blast and wanted to join in. She had a seat right next to him.

Before you know it, the sun was setting over the pond. This was the perfect time to get creative. All we needed was for the little boy to put his arm around his sister. Easy right? Wrong! She kept pushing him away. Normal brother/sister fun. After a few minutes she finally gave in and let him put his arm around her for about 5 seconds. That was enough for Neal to get the shot. The great part about it, was the little guy threw a rock in the water right as he rested his arm on his sister. A perfect ripple in the water! 

They may not realize it yet, but they will learn to always be there for each other. As they grow, they will fight with each other, make new friends, and possibly go off to college in different places. But, they will always remain brother and sister and remember they were friends first before anyone else came along! Neal and I were so happy to capture this photo for them to remember.



If this image does not put a smile on your face, than I don't know what will. It is great for a Monday!

This little guy was amazing to photograph. He is one year old and a bundle of fun! Most of the time working with little kids is tricky because it takes awhile for them to get used to us and their surroundings. Not for this guy! He was smiling from the time he got into studio until the time he left.   

Before the shoot even took place, we were throwing ideas around with mom. We told her our vision and she absolutely loved it! A week before, we needed to test out the bubbles. At home, I was experimenting with all different kinds, baby friendly of course. They were not lasting very long. So, we tried good old dish soap. And it worked. Mom was completely fine with it and said she uses them for the kids to play with all the time. 

While Neal was shooting some basic portraits of the baby and his big brother, I excused myself to start making the bubbles. We do not have a private restroom in studio, so I had to make them in the public restroom. The women who walked in asked if I was doing a science experiement. My response was, "Nope, just making bubbles". It took about 10 minutes to get the amount we would need. Walking back to the studio with a bucket of bubbles was pretty interesting too. I was just praying I didn't drop any and have to start over.

Neal was all ready and had the baby set up for the shot. For lighting we used natural light coming in from our HUGE windows that are facing the Northeast which is beautiful light for photography, we also used bounce boards on the other side of our subject to keep it natural as possible. All I needed to do was fill in the bubbles. This little guy was having so much fun and didn't want to get out. It was such a fun shoot, we didn't want him to leave.

This image is a great way to start your Monday!


Buffalo Baby Photography by Neal Urban Studio



Everyone is feeling Spring in the air. (Well trying to). This is a time where people get bright, new, fun outfits and want to show them off!

We had the pleasure of photographing these two cuties in their colorful matching dresses in Neal Urban Studio. After we got some basic portraits, we decided to have some fun with these sisters. We have a bed for photo shoots in studio and the little girls kept eyeing it. After we cleared it with the parents, we asked the girls if they wanted to jump on the bed. They were ecstatic! Neal was set up with his camera facing the bed. I stood to the side of the bed incase the girls got too crazy jumping. We told the girls to have fun and jump. Neal kept clicking away to see what would happen. We got more fun images than we thought. We loved this image the best! They are having so much fun. Just look at those faces. The one sister definately got some air!

When all was said and done, the girls looked exhausted. It looked like it was nap time! Mom and Dad said they were going to bring them by every morning to tire them out!


Buffalo Family Photography by Neal Urban Studio 

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