Entries in photography (3)



Today I want to wish a very Happy Anniversary to my husband Neal Urban! These past 4 years flew by. I can not believe all that we have accomplished together. We have experienced so many new things and are always continuing to have fun.

I know this is a blog about Neal Urban Studio photos but, I want to thank fellow photographer and friend Scott Jarvie for taking this photo for us. We were in Las Vegas for the annual WPPI Conference (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International) and quite busy with classes and the expo. But we did manage to have Scott take our engagement photos around the Las Vegas Strip. We got all dressed up and did the shoot at about midnight. I will admit I was super tired and it was tough getting myself ready that late. Yeah I know it's Vegas. We had such a great time. I hope our clients have the same experience we did when we photograph them.


You are always the positive one in our relationship. You keep us going strong and I do enough worrying for the both of us. We will embark on many new journeys this year. We will be taken to many new places for work this season. From a wedding in Alaska, to a wedding in Antigua, let's do what we do best. Let's create amazing memories for people. But at the same time, let's make sure to take time for ourselves during this crazy and exciting wedding season this year. I mean it haha!

I love you!


Buffalo Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio


Our Lady of Victory.

Let’s be honest.  A lot of people are not able to attend a wedding ceremony or choose not to go.  It’s difficult for small children to sit still and be quiet for an hour. This image was taken by Neal at Our Lady of Victory in Buffalo.  More commonly know as just the “Basilica”.  This local icon is known to rival the great churches in Italy.  


If you attend the wedding ceremony, pay attention, but do not be afraid to people watch, especially the little kids. This little guy was curious and exploring during the ceremony.  We almost weren’t sure where he was going to end up next.  Then this statue caught his eye.  The angel holding the bowl with holy water.  Most young children do not know the significance of holy water.  In this case, the little boy took it upon himself to start playing in the water.  From the angle of the shot, you would never know he was up to no good.  However, he was pretty quiet and most people didn’t even notice what he was doing.  He kept himself occupied for the rest of the ceremony.

This is one of the reasons why we always have 2 people photographing a wedding.  A set of eyes are always on the bride and groom, and the other can have the freedom to observe everything and everyone else!


Buffalo Wedding Photography by Neal Urban Studio

Ceremony - Basillica Our Lady of Victory


.....And we're back and it feels so good!

Not that we went anywhere, but the blog has remained idle for the past 11 months and it was finally time to start posting again.

Now that we have a brand new bright and airy 2,400 square foot studio space located in the Tri-Main Center Buffalo, New York, we felt this was a good time to change everything up. We redesigned our website, our logo, social media sites, marketing material, blog, our prints and albums. Everything needed to upgrade!

With that being said, the blog needed a facelift and an update! Danielle is taking over the blog and together Neal & Danielle are going to mix things up a bit. This isn't going to be just another blog where you see the same old stuff. We don't want to give anything away too soon but everytime you visit this page there will be something new for you to experience! 

Stay tuned!!


Buffalo Wedding Photography by Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Wedding Reception - Salvatore's Italian Gardens

Today's image was taken at Salvatore's Italian Gardens in Buffalo, NY. The story behind this image is that our Bride is a HUGE Disney fan. Her favorite Disney movie is "Beauty and the Beast". The color theme to her wedding matched the colors in the movie. She even brought Disney props to their Engagement Shoot. It was fitting that I pull off a Fairy Tale kind of shot for her. I wanted to shoot this at an angle that's not often seen at a popular location. I also wanted to light her in a way that put the spotlight on her to separate her from the busy scene. The lighting ads a little magic and mystery to the image. This is an image that has a story behind it and it's personal to the client which is what makes the image so special. - Neal