Entries in niagara square engagement session (5)



I love this image from Christine and Ron's engagement session. This is the true Christine!

Christine was laughing the entire time. And her laugh was so contagious. We had Christine and Ron walk hand and hand down Delaware Ave near Niagara Square. No posing, no direction. Just a nice simple walk and conversation. They did this in one take as well!

From the start of the shoot, Christine was laughing. Everytime she looked at Ron, she would crack up! And for no reason. We loved this. Such amazing reactions from both Christine and Ron. They were such naturals.


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagement Photo Location: Buffalo City HallNiagara SquareErie Basin Marina




Happy Friday! We hope everyone is ready for the weekend!

Having a December engagement session, does not guarantee snow. It also does not guarantee leaves on trees. It does however, still make for great photos!

Christine and Ron were in luck! The tall grass was still tall and blowing in the wind in Niagara Square. It was a great spot for some fun photos. So much interaction between Christine and Ron. I love the laughs! I even like the bare trees. I think they create a fun back drop!


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagement Photo Location: Buffalo City HallNiagara SquareErie Basin Marina





We recently did Christine and Ron's engagement session in Downtown Buffalo. And of course it had to be super cold outside. But we had so much fun!

We started their shoot at Niagara Square and Buffalo City Hall. We headed toward Statler City for a quick street shot. This back ground is always so cool. I love all of the street lights. And people always honk their horns at the happy couple! In a good way hahhah! 

I have to say, Christine and Ron did so good. It can't be easy to do something like this with so many cars and people watching as they go by!


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagement Photo Location: Buffalo City Hall, Niagara Square, Erie Basin Marina



Happy Friday everyone! Here is another image from Kaitlyn and Dan's engagement session!

This was from the start of their shoot at Niagara Square. Niagara Square has so much to offer. Besides, the architecture, there are amazing flowers surrounding the whole square. We were a little nervous that the flowers and plants might not look so good because of the lack of rain. However, the colors were so vibrant. There was actually a woman watering them during the shoot! 

We had Kaitlyn and Dan stand on one side of the flowers and we were on the other. It was a little breezy out, so we had to sway with the wind to make sure the flowers were not covering their faces.

Kaitlyn and Dan were great to work with. They have an amazing connection. They were laughing the whole time. We got natural smiles and tons of fun! We can't wait for their wedding next year!


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagement Photo Location: Niagara Square, Canalside



Hi everyone! I am back today! Still trying to cope with these allergies. They are really taking a toll. But, the Blog must go on...(thank you Neal for posting yesterday)

Michaela and Aaron are getting married Saturday! What an amazing couple! Neal has the pleasure of photographing their wedding with one of our assistants, as I am booked separately that day (Check out tomorrow to see my couple). However, I did get to be part of Michaela and Aaron's engagement session.

We went to Niagara Square and City Hall for photos. They had a great night. It was a tad bit windy, but nothing too crazy. We worked around the entire area. As you can see here, this is not Niagara Square or City Hall. It was another building/mini courtyard across the street. The light looked so pretty on the buildings in the distance peeking through. Michaela took a seat and Aaron cozied up right behind her. And then a look off into the distance. Or, Niagara Square!

Congratulations Michaela and Aaron! I can't wait to see the wedding photos!


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagement Photo Location: Niagara Square, City Hall