Entries in engagement portraits (43)


Glen Falls Winter Engagement

Hello everyone! I know I missed posting this past Thursday and Friday. I was feeling under the weather and was told I needed to rest. Neal always tells me I need to relax and rest. If you know me, I do not rest, even when I am sick. I have a hard time relaxing for more than an hour. But, I felt I needed to catch this cold before it got worse. And I do feel better! Thanks Neal!

So, on the absolute coldest day in January (so far), we photographed Kristen and Chris's engagement session. The high that day was 14 degrees!  We went to a private residence, with an amazing view. We were planning to do photos inside. But, once we saw the view and surrounding area, we ventured outside really quick for some shots. We lucked out that it snowed the day before and made the grounds look even better!

We were so happy there were a ton of pine trees in the area. We didn't have to worry about bare branches on the trees. And we got some great color.

So, here were are with Kristen and Chris! Don't you just love it! You can't even tell they were freezing! They were keeping each other nice and warm! We got some amazing images that day!


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagement Photo Location: Private Residence



I know this is titled waterfront engagement. You are asking, "Where is the water?" At the Erie Basin Marina area, there are a row of birch trees. So, technically we are at the waterfront.

These trees are too pretty not to have in photos. With some added back light, we got this beautiful image of Christine and Ron. It was so cold that day and even colder by the water. We had to have them snuggle up super close to stay warm and toasty!


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagement Photo Location: Buffalo City HallNiagara SquareErie Basin Marina




We are back with Keith and Dana outside of the Ellicott Square Building for their engagement session!

Not only is the inside of Ellicott Square Building amazing, but so is the outside. Look at the architecture. The detail is beautiful. How could we not go outside for a few photos.

Once again Keith and Dana's outfits worked great outside as well. It was time to change up the pose too! I really like this. So pretty!


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagement Photo Location: Ellicott Square Building, Buffalo Waterfront




Friday! We are back with Kim and Ryan on their engagement session! This time we are at Losson Park in Cheektowaga.

This was another location special to Kim and Ryan. Ryan proposed to Kim in this park. They showed us around different parts of the park to shoot at. This is where we ended! There was a fallen log that they could sit on. It was in the perfect spot too! The sun was hitting the leaves all around this area and casting a nice glow.

We had Kim and Ryan enjoy the moment. They were talking to each other with lots of laughs.

It was a great way to end the shoot!


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagament Photo Location: IV Stallions Sports Bar, Losson Park




Happy Monday! We hope everyone had a great weekend! 

Take a look at this gorgeous image from Jordan and Nick's engagement session at Knox Farm State Park. As we ventured into the Park, the sun was casting amazing color in one of the fields. The tall grass was a beautiful golden color. We didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Neal checked it out first to make sure it was ok for Jordan and Nick to walk in. From there, we had them get nice and close. No crazy posing needed for this. Nature gave us the perfect setting for Jordan and Nick!


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagement Photo Sessin: Knox Farm State Park




We had a super busy day yesterday. Back to back shoots at Knox Farm State Park. One was a first birthday cake smash, which you will see soon! Then here is Jordan and Nick on their engagement session!

Thank God the humidity died down for them. We had a beautiful night for an engagement session. And they looked stunning! I knew right when Neal showed me this photo in the camera, it was going up on the blog pronto! What a gorgeous sky! I loved Jordan's choice of wine colored dress. It was perfect for her. And Nick, wow! He looked so GQ in his suit. 

Yeah, we did a prom pose. But who cares. Look how great Jordan and Nick look! So romantic and in the moment. They were such a great couple to photograph and we can't wait for their wedding next year!


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagement Photo Sessin: Knox Farm State Park



Let's take a look at one more image from Kate and Vinny's engagement session at Delaware Park.

Like I mentioned yesterday, the Park was super busy. When we walked toward the stone bridge area, another photographer was already there doing some family portraits. We wanted to be courteous, so we went to the other side to stay out of each others way. At popular locations, you can always run into someone else shooting. That's when we all need to work together and respect each others shoot. 

We chose to shoot a different angle for this shot. Most of the time, you see couples standing in front of the bridge. It is a pretty shot. But, the other photographer and couple would have been in the frame. Time to shake it up a little! We see a glimpse of the bridge in the background which is great!

In this image, we got a bit of everything. There are flowers, trees, plants, vines, the stone bridge, and the lovely couple in their tie dye shirts! It was a great way to change up a common location in the Park!


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagement Photo Location: Delaware Park



Happy Friday everyone! Here is another image from Kaitlyn and Dan's engagement session!

This was from the start of their shoot at Niagara Square. Niagara Square has so much to offer. Besides, the architecture, there are amazing flowers surrounding the whole square. We were a little nervous that the flowers and plants might not look so good because of the lack of rain. However, the colors were so vibrant. There was actually a woman watering them during the shoot! 

We had Kaitlyn and Dan stand on one side of the flowers and we were on the other. It was a little breezy out, so we had to sway with the wind to make sure the flowers were not covering their faces.

Kaitlyn and Dan were great to work with. They have an amazing connection. They were laughing the whole time. We got natural smiles and tons of fun! We can't wait for their wedding next year!


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagement Photo Location: Niagara Square, Canalside



Sorry for the delay Blog readers. The blog website is not cooperating with me lately and has been super slow. We believe the problems have been fixed. But better late than never, here are Sarah and Christina at Artpark State Park for their engagement session.

Sarah is very artsy! When we arrived to Artpark, Neal saw this mural and right away knew he wanted to use it for a back ground. Yes, it's loud and distracting, but we knew they would love it and appreciate it. Paired with a nice "prom pose" it worked out great. Sometimes that pose really does look good. It can be very intimate if a personal touch is added!

Sarah and Christina get married next week July 16! More amazing images to come from that!


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagement Photo Location: Artpark State Park




I had to post one more from Kate and Rob's engagement session, since we are gearing up for their wedding on Saturday!

Like I mentioned yesterday, if you happened to pop in, their shoot was at a private residence. We had free range of the property. And there was so much to work with. 

We happen to come across this wooden pergola. Now, I know what you are thinking. Great, a pergola. Well, the reason I picked this image is because I really liked the location of the pergola. I love all of the foliage that surrounded it. And I like the well off to the side (at least I think it was a well).

To make it look a bit more fun, we shot it from a side angle instead of straight on.

Neal and I are so excited to photograph Kate and Rob's wedding this weekend! We had such a great time on their engagement shoot capturing these amazing memories. And now, more to come!


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagement Photo Locatin: Private Residence