In the beginning of August we traveled to the Boston MA area to photography Rori and Marcs amazing wedding at the Estate at Moraine Farm. What a gorgeous location!
This image was taken at the end of the night. The building behind Rori and Marc is a Tea House. They actually had their ceremony on the opposite side. But they did a first look right in this spot. Isn't it beautiful?
For this image, we definitely had it a little more staged and artistic. It was super dark out. We had to add in back lighting as well as front lighting. Luckily, we still had a little blue in the sky.
We had Rori and Marc glance down. Pretty much to their brand new wedding bands! Pretty simple. Neal shot this really wide to incorporate the entire area. I really like how you can see a bit of Rori and Marc's reflections in the fountain. They actually stand out pretty clear. Then it slowly fades to the Tea House as you look to the bottom part of the fountain.
I love it! Great location! Amazing couple!
Destination Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio
Destination Wedding Ceremony: The Estate at Moraine Farm
Destination Wedding Photo Location: The Estate at Moraine Farm