Entries in destination wedding (58)



Jennie is back! Jennie and Brock were also married back in June. We travelled to Allegany State Park for their wedding!

Another gorgeous day! A little hot, but great weather! For portraits, Jennie and Brock had picked out a few locations they wanted to stop at before arriving to their reception (which was also in the Park). This was nice because the Park is massive and goes through NY and PA. We were closer to the PA side.

This location had a nice open area. The light was shining in through the trees. We put Jennie right in the middle of some tall grass. She was nice and tall too, so she didn't get lost in the grass. A nice warm glow is cast on her. 

I love her reaction in this image. We got a great smile, but sort of mid laugh. Love the natural reaction! Did I mentions Brock was really really funny?


Destination Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Destination Wedding Ceremony: Foursquare Gospel Church

Destination Photo Location and Reception: Allegany State Park

Destination DJ: Moving Music




It's Friday! And yes you read the title correctly. This image was taken around midnight.

Photographing Sheryl and Rob's wedding in June in Alaska had more perks than just the scenery. It did not really get dark. So, we got to shoot later and didn't have to rush shooting as the sun went down. 

After a full day of shooting in the most amazing locations on our way to Seward, we had one last stop on our way back toward Anchorage. Sheryl and Rob kept mentioning Flat Top Mountain. They said the view was absolutely amazing. And for a bonus, you could see the City of Anchorage in the distance. We had to stop!

We were so glad we did. Look at how beautiful this image is! No matter where Sheryl and Rob stood, the view was breathtaking. Sheryl and Rob were having so much fun. This day couldn't have ended better.

Enjoy your weekend!


Buffalo Destination Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Destination Wedding Ceremony & Reception: Settlers Bay Lodge

Buffalo Destination Photo Location: Settlers Bay Lodge, Highway to Seward, Seward, Matanuska Glacier, Flat Top Mountain, Alaska



We are back at Ceresville Mansion in Maryland for another amazing image of Laura and Daniel. This was where the actual wedding ceremony took place. Obviously, this was taken later at night during the reception! The Mansion was so beautiful all lit up. Laura and Daniel wanted to take advantage of the Mansion as much a possible.


I love that we could go back out to the ceremony location. It is so nice to capture the ceremony with all of the guests watching. Then to be able to go back out to that same sentimental location with just Laura and Daniel. That doesn't happen often. Only when ceremony and reception are at the same location.

We love taking the newlyweds out for one last photo shoot. This gives them a little break from their guests to enjoy a few minutes alone. Well not 100% alone. But close enough. 

A beautiful image to end the night!

And I would like to take a quick minute to say Happy Birthday to my husband Neal! I hope you have a wonderful Birthday and I love you!


Destination Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Destination Wedding Photo Location: Renaissance Hotel DCWashington MonumentLincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, National MallCapitol BuildingCeresville Mansion

Destination Wedding Ceremony & Reception: Ceresville Mansion





Today we take you to the Ceresville Mansion in Maryland for Laura and Daniel's wedding. 

After taking photos in downtown Washington D.C. we headed to the Mansion to take a few more photos before the ceremony. On part of the grounds, there was on old abandoned barn and mill. It was such a cool spot. It was a great contrast from the bustle of downtown. We got a more rustic style of photos there.

This was an amazing location for a solo of Laura. She looked stunning! Her flowers were gorgeous! This whole area just worked out perfect for this image. 


Destination Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Destination Wedding Photo Location: Renaissance Hotel DCWashington MonumentLincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, National MallCapitol BuildingCeresville Mansion

Destination Wedding Ceremony & Reception: Ceresville Mansion





We are back at the National Mall in Washington D.C. with Laura and Daniel!

If you read yesterday's blog, I mentioned if we turned the opposite way of the Washington Monument, you would see the Lincoln Memorial. We didn't have time to walk all the way there, but we still wanted to use it as a back drop. We still had the gorgeous Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool to use as well.

This image was pretty funny to do. Neal was taking this image further away from where Laura and Daniel were standing. So, he asked me to be the middle man and get them in place and relay any direction if needed. The only thing was we had to hurry because there were a bunch of ducks in the water and Neal wanted them in the photo. And if anyone knows me, I am not a quiet person. I had strict instructions to be really quiet and not disturb the ducks. Well, how do you do that, and communicate with Neal, Laura, and Daniel at the same time? Simple...Talk with your hands! I am definitely good at that.

Neal wanted this nice intimate moment (with hundreds of people around haha) and I was making Laura and Daniel laugh with my communicating methods. I am so glad I can make people laugh just being myself! Unfortunately, the ducks swam away by the time we got everything perfect. In the end, we got this amazing image. Great teamwork by all!


Destination Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Destination Wedding Photo Location: Renaissance Hotel DCWashington MonumentLincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, National MallCapitol BuildingCeresville Mansion

Destination Wedding Ceremony & Reception: Ceresville Mansion






Laura and Daniel's wedding was so much fun! We travelled to Washington D.C. for their wedding. 

Laura and Daniel actually had their wedding and reception in Maryland, but wanted to do a first look and photos in the city. The bonus was we all stayed right in the downtown area. So we did a first look at the Renaissance Hotel. Then we all jumped into the limo to do photos in the downtown D.C. area. 

Neal and I arrived a day early and walked around all of the touristy spots. We mapped out photo locations as we walked as well. Since driving is not the greatest in that area (super busy), we had to keep everything pretty close. 

First stop, the Washington Monument area. And I say area because we were not right at the Monument. We were in the general area of the National Mall. It extends all the way to the Lincoln Memorial. Which if we turned the opposite way, you could see in the distance, with the Reflecting Pool in the center. 

Now, this was a prime Saturday! And the tourists were full blown in the area. That did not stop us though. Look at how amazing this image is. Yes, there were a few hundred people we needed to remove, but I love how Neal kept the 2 people in the back ground. Look at them looking right at Laura and Daniel. They were so curious. They watched almost everything we did with Laura, Daniel and the wedding party. We felt we had to keep them!


Destination Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Destination Wedding Photo Location: Renaissance Hotel DC, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, National Mall, Capitol Building, Ceresville Mansion

Destination Wedding Ceremony & Reception: Ceresville Mansion



While in Alaska, and before Sheryl and Rob's wedding day, we went out scouting for photo locations. Neal had a list of places to find and explore. Virgin Creek Falls was one of them. Let's just say this was not what I was expecting.

We were driving on a winding road that had a ton of houses and all of a sudden come to a dead end. I thought we were lost. It seemed pretty weird that a waterfall would be mixed in somewhere. Sure enough, there was a tiny sign and pathway that said Virgin Creek Falls. I guess the directions were correct.

As we were walking through the woods, you could hear the sound of a waterfall. We were getting close. I was expecting this giant waterfall, but tucked away was the cutest little waterfall. It was so beautiful and peaceful. If I lived in that area, I would be there everyday with a book (yes a book, not a camera)!

As for trying to pose a bride and groom, it was not the best. It was really tough to find a vantage point to make the photo work! As you have already seen, we found many other amazing places to take Sheryl and Rob for wedding photos!

But this was a nice little stop for Neal and I!


Destination Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Destination Photo Location: Virgin Creek Falls


There's something you don't see everyday

I am sorry, but yes, this is another image from Jaclyn and Darryl's wedding at Sandals Grande Antigua Resort and Spa. I had to do it! This is the image I was referring to when you recently saw the boat image and I said check back in.

Here, you can see the local children in the ocean. What a joy it was to have these little ones be a part of this image. While their parents were fishing, they were splashing around and having such a great time. They were even talking to Jaclyn and Darryl as we were taking the photos. I just wanted to dive in and play in the water with them.

This is something these children do not see everyday. Wedding customs are different all over. So, keeping them in this photo, just added to the excitement. As for Jaclyn and Darryl, we didn't need to do much except add some light to them. Darryl picked up his lovely wife all on his own!


Destination Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Ceremony and Reception: Lockport Locks

Wedding DJ: Premier Sound

Destination Wedding Photo Location: Sandals Grande Antigua Resort & Spa



Birds of Paradise!

Ok..So, we are blowing up the blog with images from Jaclyn and Darryl's wedding at the Lockport Locks and Sandals Grande Antigua Resort and Spa. I apologize, but when we do "events" like this, there are so many different stories to tell. We experienced something new everyday with Jaclyn and Darryl. And I must say, this was a little different!

Back to Sandals Grande Resort and Spa! While scoping out the Resort when we first arrived, We saw these parrots. I knew what Neal was thinking. I said "Neal, I do not think they will let you take out the parrots for Jaclyn to hold." His reply, "You don't think so?"  Unfortunately, we were not allowed to have them out of the cage.

That didn't mean we still couldn't use them in a shot! They were set up in a great place too. The winding staircase was perfect for Jaclyn and her gorgeous dress. Then we had her look toward the cage. I won't lie, we did talk to the parrots trying to get them to look at Jaclyn. And yes, some crazy things were said! We had luck with one! There were definitely a lot of laughs of this shot. 


Destination Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Ceremony and Reception: Lockport Locks

Wedding DJ: Premier Sound

Destination Wedding Photo Location: Sandals Grande Antigua Resort & Spa



So after walking down the beach and seeing a phone booth, there was an old boat washed up on the beach. Another amazing photo opp for Jaclyn and Darryl near Sandals Grande Antigua Resort & Spa!

How cool is this?! We have photographed weddings at many different beaches and this was the first time we had the opportunity to shoot with an old boat. We took advantage too and tried to take all different angles with Jaclyn and Darryl. 

A great story behind this image was the local families. There were a bunch of families in the water fishing and collecting some kind of seaweed. They were hard at work and we did not want to disturb them. But they were so excited for us to be there. They had prime seating for photo watching! The little kids were amazing too. They were splashing around and so happy when they saw Jaclyn in her dress. This image does not show the kids, but stay tuned in the next few days to see that angle!

We decided to go for a nice romantic pose here. Once again, we placed Jaclyn and Darryl where we needed them to be and the took it from there!


Destination Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Ceremony and Reception: Lockport Locks

Wedding DJ: Premier Sound

Destination Wedding Photo Location: Sandals Grande Antigua Resort & Spa