Entries in alaska wedding (6)



It's Friday! And yes you read the title correctly. This image was taken around midnight.

Photographing Sheryl and Rob's wedding in June in Alaska had more perks than just the scenery. It did not really get dark. So, we got to shoot later and didn't have to rush shooting as the sun went down. 

After a full day of shooting in the most amazing locations on our way to Seward, we had one last stop on our way back toward Anchorage. Sheryl and Rob kept mentioning Flat Top Mountain. They said the view was absolutely amazing. And for a bonus, you could see the City of Anchorage in the distance. We had to stop!

We were so glad we did. Look at how beautiful this image is! No matter where Sheryl and Rob stood, the view was breathtaking. Sheryl and Rob were having so much fun. This day couldn't have ended better.

Enjoy your weekend!


Buffalo Destination Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Destination Wedding Ceremony & Reception: Settlers Bay Lodge

Buffalo Destination Photo Location: Settlers Bay Lodge, Highway to Seward, Seward, Matanuska Glacier, Flat Top Mountain, Alaska



While in Alaska, and before Sheryl and Rob's wedding day, we went out scouting for photo locations. Neal had a list of places to find and explore. Virgin Creek Falls was one of them. Let's just say this was not what I was expecting.

We were driving on a winding road that had a ton of houses and all of a sudden come to a dead end. I thought we were lost. It seemed pretty weird that a waterfall would be mixed in somewhere. Sure enough, there was a tiny sign and pathway that said Virgin Creek Falls. I guess the directions were correct.

As we were walking through the woods, you could hear the sound of a waterfall. We were getting close. I was expecting this giant waterfall, but tucked away was the cutest little waterfall. It was so beautiful and peaceful. If I lived in that area, I would be there everyday with a book (yes a book, not a camera)!

As for trying to pose a bride and groom, it was not the best. It was really tough to find a vantage point to make the photo work! As you have already seen, we found many other amazing places to take Sheryl and Rob for wedding photos!

But this was a nice little stop for Neal and I!


Destination Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Destination Photo Location: Virgin Creek Falls



So, I know this image of Sheryl and Rob has been on Face Book recently, but we never got a chance to tell the back story.

Who would have thought a random abandon train car would be just hanging around in a camp ground in Alaska. Let alone, the camp ground we stopped at to see Rob's family before heading out for pictures. After taking a quick boat ride, Sheryl and Rob needed to change into their wedding clothes. Luckily, his parents had a giant camper they were all at nearby, so Sheryl and Rob could change there.

While changing, Neal took a quick walk around the area and found this train car. At first, I didn't think much of it. Surprised it was there, but was more fixed on the mountains in the background. But, I knew Neal couldn't leave without doing some photos here.

To get this shot, Neal had to stand on the trunk of the car to get a better vantage point. No biggie. We had to reposition the car for him to be the right way. We ended up blocking the entire road. Good thing there was only foot traffic!

Five minutes later...this amazing shot came to be! 


Destination Wedding Photographers: Neal Urban Studio

Destination Wedding Ceremony: Settler's Bay Lodge

Destination Wedding Reception: Settler's Bay Lodge

Destination Wedding Photo Location: Settler's Bay LodgeBeluga PointSeward AlaskaFlattop MountainMatanuska Glacier, and little stops along the way that really do not have names!



This is one of my favorite images from Sheryl and Rob's wedding in Alaska. I can't really give you an exact location for this, but I think it is somewhere near the Turnagain Arm. (Rob, I think I heard you mention that at some point). Like I said before, on our drive to and from Seward, we stopped all over to take photos. Neal and I actually scouted some spots (from the car) on the drive there. We tried our best to remember and pinpoint those same areas on the way back. It was pretty funny. For a few I had made notes that said there was a rest stop on the right and just passed the giant tree, pull over. Well, not all of my notes exactly made sense, but for this location they did!

There were gently rolling hills in this area to place Sheryl and Rob. And let's just say, having a higher vantage point to take the photos was not always easy to find. At least in this area, we knew we could get one to capture everything.

I love Sheryl and Rob's pose here. Super nice and close. And I love how Sheryl's dress is flowing in the wind. Her dress was nice and lightweight and didn't need much to get some movement.

I am still shocked at the temperatures in Alaska. It was about 60 degrees in this image. And to see snow on the mountains is just insane. (yes I know it is freezing in the higher altitudes) Seeing it in person is another story! And I am so glad that we get to share these with all of you!


Destination Wedding Photographers: Neal Urban Studio

Destination Wedding Ceremony: Settler's Bay Lodge

Destination Wedding Reception: Settler's Bay Lodge

Destination Wedding Photo Location: Settler's Bay LodgeBeluga PointSeward AlaskaFlattop MountainMatanuska Glacier, Turnagain Arm, and little stops along the way that really do not have names!




Here is another amazing image from Sheryl and Rob's wedding. I will apologize now, there will be a few more from this wedding! When we do destination weddings (especially this far away), we normally have multiple shoots with the couple. And Sheryl and Rob took us to some beautiful locations!

On our last day in Alaska, we all traveled to Matanuska Glacier. It was amazing and did not seem real when we arrived. It was so weird because the temperature was about 70 when then sun was out, then we had hats and gloves when the sun went behind the clouds. We all got to experience walking on the glacier (her bridesmaids were there as well and also helped with the shoot!).

As you can see, we are not on the "ice" part of the glacier for this. This was the last shot before we left to pack. This is exactly what you would see when walking to the glacier. Lucky for us, lighting was perfect for this spot on our hike back. I love the hints of color from the flowers in the foreground. And the glacier itself may seem tiny here, but was giant in person.

Sheryl and Rob both hiked with their dress and suit to the glacier. They changed right on the ice. There were a few tours walking around, but they didn't mind! Then they kept everything on for the entire hike too! They were rock stars! This was not a bad way to end our journey to Alaska to capture this wonderful couples wedding!

And thank you to Shery's ladies for helping with the dress! 


Destination Wedding Photographers: Neal Urban Studio

Destination Wedding Ceremony: Settler's Bay Lodge

Destination Wedding Reception: Settler's Bay Lodge

Destination Wedding Photo Location: Settler's Bay LodgeBeluga PointSeward AlaskaFlattop MountainMatanuska Glacier, and little stops along the way that really do not have names!




Hi all! Definitely feeling a "Case of the Mondays" today. We are finally back home and trying to get back to normal from all of our recent wedding traveling. It has been to exhausting that I completely forgot to post a photo this morning. But, better late then never.

If you saw Facebook recently, you saw that we just shot a wedding in Alaska. This image is of that lovely couple Sheryl and Rob. Neal edited this image in the airport on our way home!

This was such a tricky image. On our first day in Alaska, we explored the area to find some places for photos. This area was about an hour and half from Wasilla, where the wedding took place. However, we knew we were shooting other days besides day of. Now, how were we to convince Sheryl and Rob to climb this mountain? As soon as Neal mentioned the location, called Beluga Point, they both knew exactly where and what Neal wanted. Sheryl said we would all be taking a drive to Seward (about a 3 hour amazing drive) and we would be passing Beluga Point. Perfect! 

We took tons of photos on the drive and made this our last stop before heading back to Wasilla. Neal then says, "Danielle, I need you up there with Sheryl and Rob for lighting." Oh great. I hate heights and was terrified. But, with the guidance of Sheryl (who made it up in no time with her dress on), I was at the top!

Neal was so far away taking the shot, we had to communicate by phone. Good thing we had reception. After going back and forth a few times, the image was complete. And freaking amazing! It took longer to climb up than to get the shot!

Once again with the help of Sheryl, we made it down safe! Her words of wisdom, "Lean into the mountain!"

Side note: 3 of Sheryl's bridesmaids were with us and ended up climbing up as well! We had no idea they were there until they popped up behind us. Such troopers!


Destination Wedding Photographers: Neal Urban Studio

Destination Wedding Ceremony: Settler's Bay Lodge

Destination Wedding Reception: Settler's Bay Lodge

Destination Wedding Photo Location: Settler's Bay Lodge, Beluga Point, Seward Alaska, Flattop Mountain, Matanuska Glacier, and little stops along the way that really do not have names!