Why does Monday always feel like it gets here so fast? Well, it's here and we have a beautiful portrait of Rori for you at the Estate at Moraine Farm!
This was right after Rori got into her dress. Neal and I scoped out the main building where she would be getting ready the day before. Once I saw all these windows, I knew Neal would want to use this room. Of course there were tons of tables and one giant heavy table that needed to be moved out of the way. Sure, why not struggle a little (on my end because I am weak), and move the giant heavy table. I knew in the end it would be worth it. But, this was a time where another strong man would have helped greatly! Pretty much Neal did all the lifting and I pretended haha.
Anyway, look at Rori! This is one of my favorites from the getting ready part of the day. She had an amazing vintage style dress. It went so well with this room plus Neal added a vintage style of editing to the image! Stunning!
Destination Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio
Destination Wedding Ceremony: The Estate at Moraine Farm
Destination Wedding Photo Location: The Estate at Moraine Farm