Entries in buffalo photographers (38)



Today we take you to Old Fort Niagara, in Youngstown NY. It is a piece of history to go see. And now a great place to take photos. Neal and I love shooting there! 

Normally when we shoot weddings at the Fort, we work with the wedding party in the main entanceway and take the Bride and Groom through the rest. It is a historic and public landmark, so we do need to take that into consideration. Most of the time, there are tours and reinactments going on as well. Sometimes, there are cannons going off in the background! We like to walk around the property with the couple and stop in all different areas.

This image was taken in the largest building on site. We walked from room to room and came upon this beautful spot. The light was pouring in from the window. There was on old wooden chair in the corner that we pulled forward for the Bride. I did a quick test to make sure it was safe to sit on first! If I fell, no big deal haha! But it was good to go! While Neal was positioning himself for the shot, I was making sure the Bride looked perfect. We wanted her to have an elegant and graceful feel. At first we did not have her bouquet in the photo. But we noticed, there wasn't much room for her to put her hands and it looked a bit awkward. The simple addition of the bouquet and a tilt of the head away from the window was the ticket! Since her head turned away from the light we used a bounce board for some fill light to light up her face. There was so much light pouring through the window, we didn't need any other light source. The Bride looked stunning and it turned out to be a beautiful image!


Buffalo Wedding Photography by - Neal Urban Studio

Church - First Presbyterian Church, Lewiston NY

Photo Session - Old Fort Niagara

Buffalo Wedding Reception - Classics V

Buffalo DJ - Premier Sound


romancing the beach!

Happy Monday! We hope everyone enjoyed this beautiful weekend and had a wonderful Mother's Day. You may have even made it out to a beach! If not, today's image can take you there.

This image is from a few years ago. It was taken at Beaver Island State Park in Grand Island. It has a great boardwalk for pictures! If you venture down the beach, away from the public, you can find tall grass and a more deserted beach feel. That is where we headed for this shot. We only took the Bride and Groom down this way because it is a little bit of a walk in the sand.

The Bride switched out her wedding shoes for some beachy flip flops so she could take them on and off quickly. As we were walking, Neal found an opening in the tall grass. He thought it would be perfect for the Bride. She asked if she could be barefoot and handed off her flip flops to her husband. Perfect! There was a light breeze and we hoped it would help with movement in her dress. The wind wasn't as strong as we had hoped. So, we had the Bride start to walk toward Neal, and pick up part of her dress. The dress created a pocket for the wind and helped it to begin to flow out naturally.

The Groom was cheering on his wife and making her feel like she was on a runway! It was great! It was pretty bright out that day, so we did need to add some fill light to the Bride's face. It worked out really nice how the tall grass was blowing. It is going right in the direction of the Bride. Exactly where the focus should be! There were some gray coulds in the sky too. They helped to make the scene feel more dramatic. Neal edited the image to make it look like a cover of a novel because the image does tell a story. You may wonder..."Where is the Bride running to or away from?" Well, she's running to her Groom of course! 


Buffalo Wedding Photography by Neal Urban Studio

Church - Mt. Carmel of Niagara Falls, NY

Photo Session - Beaver Island State Park

Buffalo Wedding Reception - Buffalo Launch Club, Grand Island, NY

Buffalo DJ - Premier Sound



Happy Mother’s Day to all the mom’s and mom’s to be! This is one of my favorite images of a Bride and her son.

This wedding was one of the biggest tear jerkers for me. Even though weddings are mostly about the Bride and Groom, the Bride’s son seemed to be in the limelight! It all started when he saw his mom for the first time in her wedding dress. The tears began to flow instantly. He was so happy to see her. It was a heartfelt moment for everyone. Throughout the day, the Bride’s son was a huge part of the day. You could feel the deep love and bond between the Bride, Groom and little guy in every image.

The reception was at Banchetti by Rizzo's in Amherst. They had a great outdoor reception. Every single guest felt like family that day. Neal and I sure did. The Bride’s son continued to shake things up. During speeches he grabbed the microphone and said a few words. Bring on the waterworks one more time! I was shooting through happy tears! When the Bride and Groom were dancing together, about halfway through, they called in the little boy to join them. At one point, almost the whole family was called in. It was just beautiful! The party continued to get crazy and mom stuck by her son on the dance floor. A slow song came on and she picked him up and held him close. It was a perfect moment between Bride and son. I went up to them and asked for a quick look at the camera. I was so happy that I was right there to capture the moment. 

We had never met this Bride until the wedding, but felt like we had known her forever. She has such a strong passion for life and family. A bond that never can be broken and it was definitely present in every wedding photo.

To all the moms and clients we have photographed, Happy Mother’s Day! You are truly an inspiration to all!


Buffalo Wedding Photography by Neal Urban Studio

Prep location - Lafayette Hotel, Buffalo NY

Make-up - The Makeup Parlour

Ceremony - Karpeles Manuscript Library, Buffalo NY

Photo Session - Buffalo Naval Park 

Buffalo Wedding Reception - Banchetti by Rizzo's

Videography - Shutter Dream Studio




Today’s image is a beautiful and dramatic image. If you can believe it, it was taken at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo. Sure, you think of a cemetery and would never tie a wedding into it. But Forest Lawn has some amazing and beautiful grounds. There are actually tours you can take.

This was always a location that Neal wanted to shoot wedding images at. We were so excited when this couple said that’s where they wanted to go. And we promised them it would not feel like they were in a cemetery. Neal and I took a ride through and scouted out exactly where we wanted to go for pictures, so day of, it would be easy for the wedding party. Because Forest Lawn is so big we had to map out our course. It can get a bit confusing if you are not sure where you are going.

We worked in all different areas, and knew we wanted to end in one of the main entrance ways. The entrances are so amazing! It had been raining on and off for most of the day, so we knew the clouds would start to look amazing when they started to break up. And that’s about exactly the time we got to the final location. There was a light breeze, but strong enough to get some movement in the Bride’s veil.

We did some solos of the Bride and then brought in her Groom for the final touch. We had her stand in a similar pose she did in a solo and asked her man to come in and embrace her with a little kiss on the neck. For a more dramatic effect, we had the Bride close her eyes. The pose, the location, and the clouds all worked out amazing! It was an awesome shot to end on before heading to the reception! And before it started to pour out! 


Buffalo Wedding Photography by Neal Urban Studio

Ceremony - St. Gregory the Great 

Photo Session - Forest Lawn Cemetery

Buffalo Wedding Reception - Aqua



The focus today is the men and posing! It is always a challenge to continue to come up with different ways to photograph the Groom and Groomsmen. Most of the time, they are not really into the photos. We like to keep it simple and make them look cool and manly. We also want them to have a good time. 

This image was taken at Niagara Square in Buffalo. This set up is not always the easiest, but Neal loves to try it when he can. The focus needs to be on the Groom, but we want all the guys partially in it. The best way is to place the Groom first and then scatter the Groomsmen around him. This can take a few minutes to get them exactly where they need to be. Once everyone is placed, Neal had them glance in all different directions. The reactions of the guys are funny, because they always ask, "What am I supposed to be looking at?" The answer is, "Nothing!" The Groom is the only person we want looking at the camera.

As you can see in this image, the Groom has a great smile. He was partially laughing because all the guys were making hysterical comments. It was a posed shot, but turned into being slightly candid too. After it was done, all the Groomsmen were curious what the image would look like. Neal gave them a quick look they all said "OOHHHH, we get it now. That's really cool!"

Some images are hard for people to understand at first because they are in them and can't see what we are looking at. But we say, "Trust us. You will love it!"

Stay tuned for tomorrow image of the girls almost in a similar pose that really wasn't planned!


Buffalo Wedding Photography by Neal Urban Studio

Ceremony - The basillica Our Lady of Victory of Buffalo, NY

Photo Session - City Hall of Buffalo NY & Niagara Square

Buffalo Wedding Reception - Statler City

Buffalo Wedding Planner - After 5 Events

Buffalo DJ & Photobooth - Toy Bros.

Wedding Dress - Pnina Tornai purchased at Kleinfeld Bridal

Wedding Shoes - Christian Louboutin



Take a look. What do you see? If you can find it, you will know why this image has this title.

This wedding took place at Asbury Hall, or Babeville in Buffalo. This venue has an awesome balcony that almost goes around the entire perimeter of the hall. It is an added bonus for photography! The Bride and Groom were very family oriented and wanted a group photo of all the guests. This is usually a tough request, especially when there are over a 100 guests. Most of the time, we need to find a higher vantage point to get everyone in the photo. Good thing for the balcony!

The only request we asked the Bride and Groom was to have the DJ make an announcement for all the guests to make their way to the center of the dance floor and we would do the rest. Neal was on the balcony directing and I was at eye level doing the same. Once everyone was in place, Neal snapped off about 50 shots. Have to be safe when there are that many people. There are bound to be eyes closed or people not looking at the camera. But at least a handful should be perfect. 

So have you found it yet? Do you feel like you are playing “Where’s Waldo”? This group of people had a great time in this shot. Even the family holding the baby up over the group. It looks like the scene from “The Lion King”, where Simba is born and introduced as the next king when he is older. We did not notice the baby until going through the shots after the wedding. Well done by the parents of the baby, making this a group portrait with a twist!


Buffalo Photography by Neal Urban Studio

Cermony location & Photo Session - Delaware Park

Buffalo Wedding Reception - Asbury Hall

Buffalo DJ - Premier Sound

Buffalo Videography - Candlelight Productions



I promised I wouldn't leave out the Groom! Here he is with the Bridemaids at Buffalo Central Terminal in Buffalo

I know I mentioned yesterday that the Groomsmen were funny. Well this Groom was even funnier! He had the best expressions and one liners. There were a few times when Neal and I were laughing so hard, the cameras were shaking. Great time!

As you can see, we stayed in the same area of the Terminal for this image as well. The lighting was just amazing at this time. The Groom wanted it simple with the Bridesmaids around him. They just kept inching in closer to him. The ladies love to be sassy with giant smiles. We asked them to do just that. As their personalities started coming out, the Groom gave us the same smiles that the girls were giving. What a priceless smile! He even tilted his head like most ladies do when they are in a picture. His Bride said, it was so him!

The Bride and Groom had so much energy. They were a wonderful couple and had a great wedding party! The fun expressions continued later in the night on the dance floor and during their end of the night shoot!


Buffalo Wedding Photography by Neal Urban Studio

Ceremony location - Holy Family Roman Catholic Church

Photo Session -  Buffalo Central Terminal

Buffalo Wedding Reception - Brierwood Country Club

Buffalo Wedding Band - Joy Ryde




Besides having photos done with her Bridesmaids, the Bride needs her spotlight with the Groomsmen!

These are always fun images. The guys always want to do something super crazy. But of course in the end, the Bride gets the final say! This wedding party chose to have their pictures done at The Buffalo Central Terminal in Buffalo. It is an awesome place. However, due to renovations they stopped allowing weddings for a while. We lucked out, and got in right before that happened. Close call and hoping to get back in there soon! 

The Groomsmen in this party were a blast. They kept everyone laughing the entire day. For this image, we wanted to keep the guys feeling manly with the poses, shooting at a low angle and use of shadows, but keep a bright feel for the Bride with the backlight. We had the men stand as though they were FBI agents guarding the Bride. We had them try to be serious at first, but too many jokes were being said that nobody could keep a straight face. It actually worked out nicely.

Even though the Groomsmen were smiling, they still kept their stern, manly stances. It balanced greatly with the beautiful smile of the Bride as well. The scaffolding on all the windows created a cool background for the men. Another reason was to take advantage of the light coming in behind them to help soften up the image just a bit.

Doing different combinations with the wedding party is always fun if time permitting. They all let loose and act silly. The Bride and Groom love and appreciate the variety. I know what you are thinking right now.. Where is the Groom with the Bridesmaids? Check in tomorrow to see him shine with the ladies in the Terminal!


Buffalo Wedding Photography by Neal Urban Studio

Ceremony location - Holy Family Roman Catholic Church

Photo Session -  Buffalo Central Terminal

Buffalo Wedding Reception - Brierwood Country Club

Buffalo Wedding Band - Joy Ryde



Happy Monday! Let's start the week off with this beautiful image taken at Park Country Club in Williamsville.

If you have never been to Park Country Club, take a drive down Sheridan Drive in Williamsville, NY. It looks like a castle. A beautiful venue for a wedding. We got wonderful images the entire day for this wedding. We knew we needed to continue for the end of the night photos. Neal stepped away from the reception to take a quick look of where to go. This door is to the side of the main entrance. There were no guests around that area, so it would be perfect for the Bride and Groom to catch a breather from the party.

The door was outlined with windows and the lights from the chandelier inside were lighting up the doorway. That took care of backighting for us! The outside light put a nice glow on their bodies. So, we only needed a tiny bit of fill light on their faces. Neal started off shooting directly at them in front of the plants, but felt the image needed a little more color contrast to it. He decided to move behind the plants and get some of them in the foreground. It worked out great with the little touch of green and almost helped to frame them in the doorway.

The Bride had a very elegant wedding, so we wanted to keep that feel in the image. We decided a simple and romantic pose would do the trick! We had the Bride and Groom look at each other at first. It looked good, but something felt missing. A few easy adjustments to the pose, and wallah! The portrait was complete and fit with the Bride and Groom's style of the wedding. It was a great way to end the night!


Buffalo Wedding Photography by Neal Urban Studio

Ceremony - St. Peter's of Lewiston, NY

Photo Session - Private Residence & Park Country Club

Buffalo Wedding Reception - Park Country Club

Buffalo Wedding Videography - Brandon Peszko

Buffalo DJ - Toy Bros



If you have been following Neal’s work, than you know he likes windy days and dramatic clouds. And today’s image gives us a little bit of both!

Albright Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo is a very popular wedding photo location. On a typical Saturday wedding, this area can be flooded with wedding parties having their pictures taken. Luckily, this wedding took place on a Sunday, so there was only one other wedding at this location. The other party was on the main staircase of the Art Gallery. Instead of waiting for them to move on, we decided to do something different, but still give the Bride and Groom the Gallery in the image.

We were actually across the street on another stairway. The Bride had a very long veil and it was blowing beautifully in the wind. Neal was definitely not passing up on this. We started off working with the Bride alone and got amazing images. Now it was time to bring in the Groom. They both wanted to be in a photo with the Art Gallery in the background. We decided to try an action style shot. Neal was shooting from a lower level of the stairway and shooting up, so we would get just the top of the Gallery with the sky.

We had the Groom stand on one side and had the Bride strut her stuff toward him. We asked the Bride to gently hold out her veil and let the wind do the rest as she walked. You can see by the Groom's expression that he was loving the approach of his beautiful Bride. As Neal was snapping away, he turned to me and said this image was screaming black and white. I couldn't have agreed more!


Buffalo Photography by Neal Urban Studio

Ceremony & Reception location - The Mansion on Delaware

Photo Session - Albright-Knox Art Gallery

Jewelry - Tiffany & Co.