One last image (for now) from Kathy and David's December wedding at Brookfield Country Club!
End of the night. The Club patio was all lit up and decorated for Christmas. This was probably the only Christmasy style of photo we did for Kathy and David. I say Christmasy because of the lights. But, how could we not take advantage of those lights? The sky was so dark, the glow from the lights was just too beautiful.
Kathy had this gorgeous black fur that we hadn't got to use yet for a photo. I know you can't see it too much, but it was just enough for this shot. And Kathy needed to stay warm.
I love how the intimate feel Kathy and David wanted, flowed from beginning to end! This was a great way to end the night.
Buffalo Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio
Buffalo Wedding Ceremony & Reception Location: Brookfield Country Club
Buffalo Wedding Photo Location: Silo City, Brookfield Country Club
Buffalo Wedding Dress Design: Made by Anatomy
Buffalo Wedding Decor: Salvatore's Italian Gardens