Entries in brookfield country club (6)



One last image (for now) from Kathy and David's December wedding at Brookfield Country Club!

End of the night. The Club patio was all lit up and decorated for Christmas. This was probably the only Christmasy style of photo we did for Kathy and David. I say Christmasy because of the lights. But, how could we not take advantage of those lights? The sky was so dark, the glow from the lights was just too beautiful.

Kathy had this gorgeous black fur that we hadn't got to use yet for a photo. I know you can't see it too much, but it was just enough for this shot. And Kathy needed to stay warm.

I love how the intimate feel Kathy and David wanted, flowed from beginning to end! This was a great way to end the night.


Buffalo Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Wedding Ceremony & Reception Location: Brookfield Country Club

Buffalo Wedding Photo Location: Silo CityBrookfield Country Club

Buffalo Wedding Dress Design: Made by Anatomy

Buffalo Wedding Decor: Salvatore's Italian Gardens





Love, love, this first dance photo of Kathy and David at Brookfield Country Club!

What was so great about their day, was they had the whole Country Club for the wedding. This was a different room then the ceremony. So, once the ceremony ended, all of the guests were lead into another room for cocktail and reception. And walking in, there were trays of champagne to welcome them. How great is that!

The intimate theme of Kathy and David's wedding filtered through into this room as well. They still had super low lighting and candles. We wanted to keep that feel for the first dance too. This image was fun because Neal and I were shooting on opposite sides of the room from each other. At one point, Neal needed one of his lights moved to create this effect. I was in the zone doing my thing. Neal was jumping around to get my attention. Then talking with his hands pretty much for me to move the light. Yes, he could have moved it on his own. But, he didn't want to lose the place he was shooting from. 

I finally looked up and figured out what he wanted done. And he got this beautiful and intimate moment. Let me just say, there were so many gorgeous moments from Kathy and David's first dance.


Buffalo Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Wedding Ceremony & Reception Location: Brookfield Country Club

Buffalo Wedding Photo Location: Silo CityBrookfield Country Club

Buffalo Wedding Dress Design: Made by Anatomy

Buffalo Wedding Decor: Salvatore's Italian Gardens




Kathy and David had a very intimate wedding ceremony at Brookfield Country Club.

The Club was decorated for Christmas. Kathy and David really did not want to have a Christmas style wedding. They had Paula Salvatore from Salvatore's Italian Gardens come in and turn the room into just that. She did all of the flowers and decor. She created a beautiful candlelight setting for the ceremony. She lined the aisle with all different size vases with candles in them. There were also flowers down the aisle. There were candles and lighting up where the vows were to be exchanged. Greenery was draped over the fireplace and candles on the mantle.

Kathy wanted to create an intimate atmosphere. She wanted super low lighting from the room lights and the rest created by the candles. I would say she got exactly that! It looked amazing!


Buffalo Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Wedding Ceremony & Reception Location: Brookfield Country Club

Buffalo Wedding Photo Location: Silo CityBrookfield Country Club

Buffalo Wedding Dress Design: Made by Anatomy

Buffalo Wedding Decor: Salvatore's Italian Gardens




Our last wedding of 2017! We had the pleasure of photographing Kathy and David's wedding at Brookfield Country Club.

Both Kathy and David got ready at the Club, so we were able to bounce back and forth between both of them for photos. Here is a fun image of Kathy! She had her wedding dress custom made by Made by Anatomy. She looked stunning!

This was taken from outside of the room. During this time, Neal was shooting more up close. So, to stay out of his way, I decided to go into the hall and shoot. I thought I would try something different. One of the doors was already closed. I needed the other door to be partially open. There was nothing to prop it either. I held the door with one hand and took the image with the other. I am not very strong and this door was heavy. I will admit, the door shut on me a few times! But I managed to get one before it was too late!


Buffalo Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Wedding Ceremony & Reception Location: Brookfield Country Club

Buffalo Wedding Photo Location: Silo City, Brookfield Country Club

Buffalo Wedding Dress Design: Made by Anatomy

Buffalo Wedding Decor: Salvatore's Italian Gardens



Here is a beautiful image taken at the end of the night from Dave and Kristine's wedding at Brookfield Country Club.

The skies were amazing that night and the colors were so vibrant! We had Dave and Kristine face each other and have a romantic moment. Kristine's vintage dress just keeps making every photo look better and better.

If there is a great sunset, you bet we will take you outside for a quick photo shoot! Sorry if we interrupt your meal, but we can't miss out on amazing images.


Buffalo Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Wedding Ceremony:The WELL Buffalo

Buffalo Wedding Photo Location: Delaware Park, Theatre District

Buffalo Wedding Reception: Brookfield Country Club

Buffalo Wedding DJ/Photo booth: Toy Bros Entertainment

Buffalo Wedding Videography: Unbeaten Path Media



Why not celebrate the 4th of July with some fireworks! Danielle and Andrew were married July of 2013. Their reception was at Brookfield Country Club in Clarence NY. They ended the night with a fireworks display!

Fireworks are not the easiest to photograph. We needed some extra time to set up lighting and test out everything.  And it did not help that it was pouring outside. But the show must go on! Brookfield's coordinated great with us. They told us exactly where the fireworks would be going off so we knew where to place the couple. I was the test subject before we brought Danielle and Andrew out in the rain.

As all of the guests started making their way to the patio, it began to rain even harder. We had Danielle and Andrew in position as the fireworks started to light up the sky. I started off holding an umbrella over Neal and the gear and Brian Gorman, from UnbeatenPath Media. Then Neal says we need more backlight. Great! I took the umbrella out with me and slouched behind Danielle and Andrew. But, the umbrella was showing up too much, so I needed to lose it. Yes, I got completely soaked! Then I see Brian run off down the treeline with his camera taking video. He came back a lot more soaked than I did.

This was the final result! What a great image for today! Hoping everyone has a fun and safe weekend!

Blog Exclusive* - This photo has been seen on the website, social media, our books etc. so Neal wanted to edit this image different for the blog. He decided to give it a tighter panoramic crop and he turned it to black and white. The original is beautiful in color but he felt that the colors took attention away from the couple. The black and white definitely adds more drama to the image as well as the crop. Bold decision but it looks amazing!


Buffalo Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Wedding Ceremony: Our Lady of Victory

Buffalo Wedding Photo Location: Buffalo Botannical Gardens

Buffalo Wedding Reception: Brookfield Country Club

Buffalo Wedding Videography: Unbeaten Path Media

Buffalo Wedding Band: Party of Nine