Entries in bridal shoes (3)



After showing yesterday's image of Christine's daughter helping with those amazing shoes, I figured we needed a close up for today.

After the ceremony at the Barton Hill Hotel and Spa, we headed down to the Lewiston Waterfront for photos. There is a wooden stairway that leads to the water. As Christine was walking down, she was holding up her dress. We asked her to stop and do a little pose to show off those shoes! 

This pose is so cute to show off the shoes with a little of the dress showing as well!


Buffalo Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Wedding Ceremony, Photo Location, Reception: Barton Hill Hotel and Spa



It is Christian Louboutin shoe Saturday! This is from Cara and Kevin's wedding in Las Vegas at the JW Marriott.

If you know me well, you know I love shoes! Especially fun shoes. So when Christian Louboutin's show up, I am in heaven! It's even better when we add diamonds to them! We love incorporating the ring into shoe shots. I think it is so pretty. In this case, it looked amazing! 


Buffalo Wedding Details Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Destination Wedding Ceremony, Reception, Photo Location: JW Marriott, Las Vegas




These are Elizabeth's shoes from her wedding in September! I love her shoes!

This photo is straight out of the camera without any editing! All we did, was put Elizabeth's shoes on one of her coffee tables. Added some light and got an awesome reflection. We also added her engagement ring as well. Detail shots can be really great if you can find a creative idea to incorporate them. When it comes to shoes, you very rarely see them underneath the bride's dress. So we always try to do some fun photos with the shoes during the getting ready portion of the day!


Buffalo Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Wedding Ceremony: St George's Orthodox Church

Buffalo Wedding Photo Location: Niagara University

Buffalo Wedding Reception: Antonio's Banquet and Conference Center