Entries in canal side engagement portraits (1)



We had such a fun engagement session with Kaitlyn and Dan the other night. We started off at Niagara Sqaure and ended up around the Canalside area. 

While walking around Canalside, the sun was beginning to set and the color of the sky was so pretty. We started walking toward the water and away from the hustle and bustle of the area. Well, little did we know, while passing the Naval Yard, it was a "Pokemon Go" party of people. I have never seen so many people on cell phones in my life, all walking around with their faces in ther phones!

Anyway, after making our way through the gamers, we made it to the boardwalk. Neal told Kaitlyn and Dan what he wanted for the shot and where to stand. Well, of course some tourists taking photos stood right where we needed to be. They were trying to take a giant selfie. Dan, being such a nice guy, offers to take the photo for them. They were so thankful. Little did they know, we really just needed them to move, before the colors in the sky vanished.

And here we are! We ended Kaitlyn and Dan's shoot with this gorgeoue image. And no, those are not bugs in the back. A giant flock of seagulls happened to fly behind them right as Neal started clicking! Enjoy!


Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Buffalo Engagement Photo Location: Niagara Square, Canalside