We had the pleasure of shooting Erica and Steve's engagement session on Sunday! Once we found out that we were doing the shoot on their boat, Neal had an amazing idea. It involved using the drone!

We met Erica and Steve at their dock at the Erie Basin Marina. Neal and Dave LaNasa (LaNasa Studio-beautiful videography!) invested in the drone together. Dave flies the drone and Neal takes the pictures via iPhone app. They make a great team. It's very entertaining to watch the two of them work together. Something tells me that the drone isn't going to last long with the crazy ideas they come up with but the end product is always worth the risk!
For this idea, we needed Erica and Steve in the water in the middle of nowhere (or as close as we could get them away from everyone). We purchased innertubes for them to float in. (they took us about 2 hours to blow up the day before haha).
Once in the water, Neal and Dave were standing on the front of the boat ready to operate! Neal was directing Erica and Steve of what they needed to do. It was pretty funny because the current kept pushing them opposite of where he needed them. As Dave was flying the drone, Neal took pictures and saw everything through the iPhone screen. He was going for the perfect overhead shot with the reflection of the sky in the water. Curious kyakers and fellow boaters were floating by watching the excitiment so we kept having to wait for them to clear the shot. (check out tomorrow's blog to see my angle of Erica and Steve and how different it looks). Then the perfect moment happened and Neal got his shot!
This shoot was so much fun! Thank you to Dave LaNasa for flying the drone and to Steve's father for driving the boat while our captain, Steve played in the water with his beautiful fiance, Erica.
Buffalo Engagement Photography: Neal Urban Studio
Buffalo Engagement Photo Location: Erie Basin Marina
Buffalo Engagement Video (drone operator): LaNasa Studio