Entries in destination golf course photography (1)


Samoset Golf Course

Neal posted an image he took from Samoset Golf Course in Rockland Maine the other day on his Facebook page. It was so beautiful!

What Neal failed to mention is how he woke me up at 7:00am getting his camera ready. I had no idea he was planning on going out to the course in the morning. He got some great shots at sunset and through out the day. I couldn't believe he was going back out so early because he is not a morning person but he'll do anything to get a great shot! The curtains and doors were opening and closing. Once it was quiet, the door opened again. Neal had forgotten something he needed. Once he got where he needed to be for the shot he clicked the camera and noticed he left the battery in the hotel room. Luckily the lighting wasn't right so he got back just in time to get the shot. The sun peaked through the clouds for about 30 seconds. Neal got the shot and then the sun disappeared behind the clouds and then it started to rain.

Once he was done we both fell back asleep! When we both got up I said, "I hope you got a kick ass shot earlier!" He showed me what he took and I said he could wake me up any time to get images as amazing as that! I absolutely love the light house in the back ground and the couple walking out on the pier. Having the people in the image shows the scale of this place and makes you want to be there.

People do not always realize what it takes to get amazing images. They can happen at all hours of the day or night. And they can be in the best or worst of weather. Neal will take advantage of anything he can. I actually wouldn't mind this image in print!


Buffalo Golf Course Photography: Neal Urban Studio

Golf Course Photo Location: Samoset Resort