Vanessa and Anthony are back! Our famous Disney couple has done it again!
Their anniversary was in April and we asked them if they would like to do an anniversary shoot. They were thrilled! However, we needed to tell them our idea of a two hour drive to the Chimney Bluffs in Wolcott NY. We wanted to take them there because they are very daring and are always up for any ideas we throw their way. Because it was a bit of a drive, I told them I would make a small picnic to bring before the shoot! I think that was the kicker! We all met at Neal Urban Studio and we were on our way!
I had already discussed outfits with Vanessa and Anthony. They needed to be super dressed up and very classy. She showed me what they had and it was perfect! Finding the Bluffs wasn't as easy as we thought. It is actually Chimney Bluff State Park. We didn't realize how large the area was. But looking at a park map, we finally found where we needed to be. We had a quick bite, Vanessa and Anthony got dressed, and Neal and I geared up. Time to hike! I warned the couple to bring comfy shoes because there would be some walking involved. A little more than anticipated, but they were troopers.
Finally!! We made it to the Bluffs! They were in site after walking through a ton of little bugs. And now to find the best vantage point for the shot! We could all tell by the way Neal was staring at this cliff, that would be the spot. We slowly walked Vanessa and Anthony to the edge of the cliff. And yes, they were really standing on the edge. We had Vanessa change into her heels when she got into position. Neal would be shooting from the complete opposite side of where they were standing. So, I was to be the go between for communication. After a little bit of yelling back and forth, we were almost there! Vanessa has a background in dance, so she knows how to pose. We told her exactly what we were looking for and she took it from there. She was directing Anthony as well, which was perfect. We didn't really need to make any adjustments.
The clouds were rolling in and the sun was setting. And it was getting cold.... But look at those colors in the sky. Vanessa couldn't have picked a better dress. That bold purple complimented the sky so well. Anthony looks great too of course! They did a fantastic job! And we could not thank them enough for hiking up to the Bluffs with us. This image turned out amazing and it was time to head home!
What will our next adventure be with these two???
Check in tomorrow to view one of my images from this shoot!
Rochester Wedding Photography by Neal Urban Studio
Rochester Wedding Photo Location - Chimney Bluffs State Park