We are back with part 2 of Jill and Matthew's wedding at this amazing building!
As you saw yesterday, if you joined us, Neal absolutely loves this building. And we have never had the opportunity to use it for a wedding. Jill and Matthew fit this style perfectly!
During their reception at Pearl St. Grill and Brewery, we took Jill and Matthew out for some photos. Neal had already scoped out the area and knew exactly where he wanted to go. It was just a little walk from Pearl St.
This image is in the same series you saw yesterday. Same set up and same location. It is just closer up on Jill and Matthew. You still get the awesome feel of the building too! This is one thing I love about certain locations. You can create so many different looks in the same area. This was definitely one of those times!
Buffalo Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio
Buffalo Wedding Ceremony & Reception: Pearl St. Grill and Brewery
Buffalo Wedding Photo Location: Tift Nature Preserve, City of Buffalo, Pearl at the Webb