Hi readers! I am back! Thank you to Neal for writing up his photo yesterday! It would have been pretty hard for me to blog about a wedding I wasn't at!
While Neal was shooting at the Columns Banquet Facility, I was photographing Sarah and Aaron at the Mansion on Delaware. I had the pleasure of having Shane (you should all remember Shane) as my assistant. We had such a great time. The day started out sunny and beautiful. Then the next thing we see is a blizzard outside. To be honest, I did not think the snow was going to happen. But, I was sure happy when it did for photos!
During the reception, I went outside to get some ideas for photos. I love the Delaware Mansion at night when it is all lit up. With the snow coming down, it looked beautiful. Earlier in the day, Sarah wasn't so sure about going outside in the snow for pictures. Lucky for us, as the night progressed, she was ready and willing to tackle the elements!
Shane and I had everything ready to go when Sarah and Aaron came out. All I needed to do was run across Delaware Avenue! Traffic was pretty slow, thank goodness, but the road was so slippery. I was praying I would not fall. I made it across with no slips! After some yelling across the street to Shane (he stayed with the couple) for a few adjustments, Sarah and Aaron looked perfect! I am so happy they toughed it out for this beautiful image!
Neal here, I have to chime in to say how beautiful this image is! I have to give Danielle and Shane kudo's on capturing it perfectly. It looks even better in high resolution and can't wait to see this in print! Danielle's lens choice was on point choosing a 50mm prime. I love how I can have my team working without me and creating beautiful images like this! Congrats to Sarah & Aaron!
Buffalo Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio
Buffalo Wedding Ceremony, Photo Location, Reception: Mansion on Delaware