I figured I would give you one more sequence of bride and groom solos this week!
We started Ryan and Lisa's photos in the Cobblestone District near the First Niagara Center. Check out Ryan! Can you say model! I sure can!
This spot was perfect for Ryan! The brick looks awesome with the little bit of light that was shining on it. I like how it just brushed over his face too. He looks amazing in front of the white door as well. Ryan was just hanging out! There is a nice elegant but rustic feel to this image as well!
Neal here, I love how Danielle brought this image out of the archives and put it in the spotlight. It's one of my favorite portraits that I've taken of a groom. I may have to put this on the official website!
Buffalo Wedding Photography: Neal Urban Studio
Buffalo Wedding Ceremony: Our Lady of Victory Basilica
Buffalo Wedding Photo Location: Cobblestone District, Buffalo Waterfront
Buffalo Wedding Reception: Salvatore's Italian Gardens