Entries in comedy (1)


April Fool's

This image is perfect for the biggest day for playing jokes throughout the year, April 1st.


Wedding ceremonies are pretty standard.  We usually always know what is going to happen next and are ready to take the shot.  In this instance, we were wrong.  It is the most important moment in the ceremony, the Vows.  The priest is perfroming the ritual of asking the bride if she will take the groom to be her husband, when something goes wrong. The priest gives the wrong name for the groom.  OH NO!  As you can see in the picture, the groom is stunned.  He has no idea how to react at first.  The bride thinks it's hysterical, along with all of the guests.  The entire church begins to laugh.  Neal was right in the center of the aisle to capture this funny moment.  The priest made a heartfelt apology and said "April Fool's". Apparently he gave the groom's name for the ceremony he was to perform next.  I guess priests get a little confused too sometimes!  


Buffalo Wedding Photography by Neal Urban Studio

Ceremony - Christ the King

Photo Session - Buffalo Silo City

Buffalo Wedding Reception Venue - Pearl at the Webb