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The Heart of Yosemite

Yosemite is a dream place for photographers.  It's the location that Ansel Adams photographed the most.  Every photographer aims to visit places like Yosemite and walk away with an image that nobody else has seen before.  I'm guilty of this myself.  It's so difficult when a place has been photographed so many times by so many different photographers!  Upon arrival I photographed all the popular places but from a different perspecive or at different times and using different camera techniques.  Sure, I took some winners but nothing that said "Wow, this is truly unique!" (See previous blog post).

Once I got into the belly of Yosemite I slowly started to get away from taking the typical landscape shots and started to notice the little gems that were hidden inside the park.  Below is a perfect example of a shot probably never seen nor taken by another photographer from inside the famous Yosemite National Park.

The image below was taken on our walk back from Vernal Falls. We were a few miles deep into the woods with it getting dark fast. We took a short break from the hike. The sun hit the tree above me and I noticed the heart just as we were about to leave.

If you are interested in purchasing a print of "The Heart of Yosemite" or any other images please contact us today!


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