
It all works out in the end

Chris and Jenny recently got married on October 16, 2010.  Last year they came to me to shoot their wedding but I was already booked and had to turn them down.  Almost a year later in early September they hired me to do the next best thing.  An all day engagement photo shoot! 

They gave me a lot to work with... Skiing, village, horses, fancy cars, different wardrobe changes, subtle props and a lot of love and chemistry.



A romantic evening for two.

I recently shot Melody and Dan's engagement photo shoot and their wedding is only a few weeks away.  We shot on Dan's birthday right before they went out to dinner.  A romantic photo shoot right before a romantic dinner.  Good idea Melody!



Cliche' and Beyond!! (Insert Buzz Lightyear voice)

I often come across other photographers wedding photos where the wedding party jumps into the air.   I never really understood the concept... Why have them jump when you can let them fly!!!  

Prior to shooting Gary and Lynne's wedding I added them to my friends list on Facebook.  Gary's profile photo was of him jumping off a bridge into a river.  Unfortunately I can't have him do that on his wedding day but I think this is the next best thing.



When LCD's light up like Fireflies....

Gone are the days when people enjoy precious moments with their own two eyes.  Now it's through a small 1-3 inch LCD screen! :-)


Peace, Harmony, Happiness, Danger and Love.

Josh and Lindsey got engaged at Lindsey's cottage near the Albion, NY area.  This property has a homemade elevator that takes you a couple hundred feet down to the river.  I was excited to ride this thing.  It literally travels 1mph that lets you soak in the amazing view!  Prior to the photo shoot Josh and Lindsay said that they would do anything to get a good shot... With a photographer like me that is music to my ears!


A Face in the Crowd


Sunday Funday

This past Sunday I shot Megan & Craig at Buffalo's Waterfront.  This is what happens when the Buffalo Bills lose so bad that it makes manly men want to go on engagement photo shoots! haha :-) Craig is a silly guy who makes Megan laugh and smile.... A lot.



I don't often get to shoot bands anymore but I've worked with the band "Ransomville" seven times over the years.  We always shot on location somewhere so it was nice to finally get them in my new studio.  They've been doing big things and have a new CD coming out soon.  Check out their music at 


Vandewater camp

I had the pleasure to shoot the Vandewater family a few days ago.  Some of you may recognize Kim from my modeling gallery at  Kim and I have worked together 4-5 times over the past three years.  It was great to chill out, relax and have some fun shooting Kim and her beautiful family.  We shot at a park in Rochester, NY where Kim and I first worked together 3 years ago.  It was great to be back in the area and shoot something completely different!



Lady in RED

Another cousin of mine is getting married!  It's always fun when shooting for family.  Rob and Andrea Engagement shoot was shot in Youngstown, NY where Rob worked as a police officer for over ten years.  I love it when I shoot clients that have a badge, they can get us in locations where most can't!  We didn't go anywhere prohibited but it's always good to know for when their wedding arrives!